About This Website

I work with many adults and children as a kinesiologist. This website is intended to be a resource to educate yourself about issues that affect your health and personal growth.

To Find out more about the Kinesiologies and techniques I teach and practice:
Feel free to browse the Kinesiology Links on:

Educational Kinesiology-Brain Gym
Touch For Health
Rhythmic Movement and the
Musgatova Method of Reflex Integration

The information I highlight here does not constitute medical advice or endorsement of products or views.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Gentle Bioenergetics

Love the new course I attended early this year. It is working very well with my special needs children, and infants. It has been particular effective with in-utero trauma. With autistic kids it, is a way of opening up to the world more in very gentle and nurturing ways.